Travelling by Coaches

Included in this section:

4.a. On the coach and managing “stop offs”

Please note: A lot of problems people have when travelling by coach are similar to those they face when travelling by train and local buses. When reading this section please also read the train section and local bus section because for the most part only new information has been given in this section.

People have found the following helpful:

4.a. On the coach and managing “stop offs”

1. Some people find out about the route first by reading all the brochures and timetables etc. They check arrival times and stop off times. They check the times with the driver by asking him to look at the timetable to see if it is the current/correct one.

(If there is a courier giving a commentary about the countryside, etc, then reading these leaflets first will hopefully clue you in. Take them with you on the journey. As well as leaflets it is also useful to get a guide book and maps.)

2. One person said, “I tell the driver/courier I am hard of hearing and I ask her/him to turn the music off when s/he speaks to the passengers as I can’t hear against background noise. I find that most drivers/couriers are very helpful.”

3. Some people said that they ask the passengers sitting nearby if they will repeat what the driver/courier says because they can’t hear the driver.

4. One person said, “I ask people sitting near me to only tell me the travel news given out by the driver/courier.”

5. One person said, “I say to people something like, “These microphones are so bad – what did he say?””

6. Some people prefer to sit at the front of the coach near the courier or driver. One person said, “If I cannot sit near the front I ask her/him to repeat and I explain that I can’t hear well at the back.”

7. Some people use their Communication Card when they ask for help as it has some useful tips on it.  

8. Before leaving the coach for a stop-off or refreshment stop I ask the driver/courier how long the stop is and whether passengers should come back to the same place. Before leaving the coach I look at the colour, the company and the registration. I write it all down in case I forget.

9. Some people say that they assess nearby passengers and look for sympathetic people who might help in an emergency or tell them if there is an announcement or a change of plan.

10. Several people said that they have pen and paper ready at all times in case it is needed. Having them to hand can save anxiety on all sides.

11. The courier may be able to give you a private briefing because the microphones are often of a very bad quality.

12. One person said, “If we are stopping off for a few minutes I try and keep at least one person off my coach in sight, so that I can see when they are heading back for the coach in case an announcement is made over the tannoy system.”

13. National Express has a Disabled Persons Travel Helpline.  They can be contacted on:
Telephone: 0121 423 8479. 
Textphone: 0121 455 0086

The address of the National Express Website is: